The world is turning at lightning speed today, many entrepreneurs feel like they are out of step and being passed by. InnoVita helps companies as they prepare for a much-needed transformation. Founder Anita Dierckx explains.
InnoVita is a boutique consulting agency that Anita founded after her three-decade career with an energy giant. "We work primarily for companies that are eager to blow a new wind through their organization, especially in the area of human capital. Our USP lies at the intersection of hr and marketing. We like to use techniques and models from marketing in an hr context, such as design thinking. We like to deploy that as a mindset: how can you really start thinking differently as an entrepreneur, for example from your customer's point of view?"
InnoVita itself is a small organization and that is a conscious choice, says Anita. "I have a corporate past and I know from experience that that sometimes involves a lot of red tape and politics. We don't want that with InnoVita. We are very close to our clients and provide quick and short decision lines. Our clientele itself consists mainly of larger SMEs, an environment in which we feel like fish in water (laughs).

A project at InnoVita usually starts with a good conversation. "A typical case for us, for example, is the design and implementation of a new performance and development process after a merger," Anita explains. "In this, it is important for us to have a good understanding of where the pain points and frustrations are, both on the shop floor and with management. That is also the difference we try to make with the big consultants: we rarely have a ready-made solution up our sleeve. With us it is always customized, we do not look at what is available off-the-shelf, but work from our expertise and experience.
When a company is going through a digital transformation, sometimes the solution can be nothing more than a Google Forms or Sharepoint, you understand? It makes no sense to saddle an SME of 30 people with an SAP, for them that is overkill. Such an attitude naturally requires that we ourselves keep abreast of the latest developments and cooperate with trend watchers and expert organizations."
Source: Fokus (Knack)
Cultivating an innovative and creative mindset within an organization is critical to continually grow and evolve.
Here are five must-do's to achieve this: