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Design thinking as a mindset

Innovation is not just fun to do. Today, more than ever, it is a prerequisite for survival in a volatile and uncertain world. Innovation is not only about designing new services and products, but also about improving, optimizing or redesigning them. Design thinking helps you in any kind of innovation.

In this keynote, we bring a first introduction to design thinking as a customer-centric way of thinking and acting. We clarify how design thinking can facilitate this mindset and what tools are used to do so. And we will explore what expertises and behavioral competencies are needed to implement and ultimately embed a design mindset in your organization.

Design thinking


Creative mindset for sustainable impact

What does this keynote offer?

Innovita, Anita Dierckx and Dries Deleenheer

For whom?

The keynote is suitable for anyone interested in understanding why design thinking is not a hype, but a new mindset.

Design thinking addresses all organizations, no matter what their nature or size is.

Innovita: your path to your organization's resurgence

Plan of

We deliver our keynote using storytelling, humor and real-world examples. We demonstrate how we apply the concepts of design thinking to innovation and leadership. We clarify the role of design thinking in driving innovation through short exercises.

Innovita provides business transformation from an innovative mindset.

Also for your domain?

Download your free infographic

Design thinking is powerful not only as an engine for innovation in products and services, but also in each domain where people think and act in a customer-oriented way. Our FREE infographic elaborates on some application domains.